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Credited with over a decade of dynamic, results-oriented experience in design and creative direction.


Demonstrated excellence in remaining current with everything fashion, music, art, and pop culture related. 


Proven ability to strengthen brand and increase profits by designing and implementing a wide variety of interesting and engaging products and categories.



• Adobe Creative Suite

• Apparel, Accessories, and Technical Design

• Graphic & Print Design

• Fashion Production

• Tech Packs

• Web Design

• Email Marketing

• Storytelling

• Visual Merchandising

• Leadership & Management

• Comprehension and Compassion

• Experience with luxury market to big box retailers


sylvie POURRAT
Directrice du Salon Premiere Classe

I know Larry Wolfe since more than 10 years. Incredibly creative, really innovative, The designs of Larry have always been one the most creative designs of our selection of accessories. I highly recommend Larry for his concrete qualities of fashion analyst and stylist.

Creative Director / Founding Principal

I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Larry at two locations. I have always admired his business acumen, merchandising and design ability. His ability to translate a conversation into an appropriate sale is second to none.

Freelance Graphic/Textile Designer

I have had many bosses in this industry, Larry is someone I still talk about to this day as my ideal boss/creative director. He knew exactly what he wanted, but also let me be creative so I could thrive as a designer. He was very clear with direction, understood the vision he wanted to execute, and knew exactly how to research the exact prints that were going to be relevant to the market.

Business Development Consultant

I had the pleasure of working with Larry on several projects over the years. Incredibly talented guy. Original ideas that are usually unanticipated and eye opening.






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